For the month of February, the student network group mentors and mentees were focused on attending events that satisfied the diversity portion of their M100 class. Two of the most popular events were the musical Rent and the Tunnel of Oppression.
Rent was musical that depicted “a year in the life of eight artists and musicians with joy, sadness and comedy, as they struggle to make it in the big city—facing eviction, dealing with illness, homelessness, death and drugs, negotiating their dreams, finding their loves and living— one day at a time.” Many of the students found it eye-opening and provocative. This event focused on exposing students to controversial issues that are around today. While some students were not pleased with the length or appropriate-ness of the musical, many found that it gave them the opportunity to challenge their own stereotypes and prejudices.
The Tunnel of Oppression took place during Diversity Education week and allowed student, staff and faculty the opportunity to experience various forms of oppression faced both on and off NC State’s campus. Some of the types of oppression addressed by this year’s tunnel were: physical ability, body image, homophobia, relationship violence, and race. The students watched different scenarios unfold through the different scenarios and engaged in discussion. Afterwards, counselors debriefed students and gave them information concerning ally behaviors for each of the types of scenarios the students saw.
Both of these events encompass what M100 and SNG set out to do: foster a sense of community, belonging and connection within the larger university and build an awareness of diversity and inclusivity among students.